Excel Tutorial – ROMAN

The ROMAN function in Microsoft Excel is a math and trigonometry function that converts a number to Roman numerals.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use the ROMAN function:

  1. Open your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and select the cell where you want to display the converted number.
  2. Type the following formula into the selected cell: =ROMAN(number)
  3. Replace “number” with the cell reference or value that you want to convert to Roman numerals.

For example, if you want to convert the value in cell A1 to Roman numerals, the formula would be: =ROMAN(A1)

  1. Press Enter to complete the formula and display the converted value in Roman numerals.

Note: The ROMAN function only works with numbers between 1 and 3999. If you try to convert a number outside of this range, the function will return the #NUM! error.

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