Excel Tutorial – SUMIF

Excel’s SUMIF function allows you to sum a range of cells based on a given criteria. You can use it to quickly sum a range of cells that meet certain conditions, such as cells that contain a specific value or cells that are greater than or less than a certain value.

Here’s how to use the SUMIF function:

  1. In a cell, type the following formula: =SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])
  2. Replace range with the cell range that you want to check for the criteria.
  3. Replace criteria with the value or expression that you want to use as the criteria. You can use a number, text, or a logical expression as the criteria.
  4. Replace [sum_range] with the cell range that you want to sum. This argument is optional, and if you omit it, the SUMIF function will use the range argument as the sum range.

Here’s an example of the complete formula: =SUMIF(A1:A10, ">50", B1:B10)

This formula would sum the values in cells B1:B10 if the corresponding cells in A1:A10 are greater than 50.

You can also use the SUMIF function to sum cells that contain a specific value or text. For example:

=SUMIF(A1:A10, "apple", B1:B10)

This formula would sum the values in cells B1:B10 if the corresponding cells in A1:A10 contain the text “apple”.

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