Excel Tutorial – TEXT

The TEXT function in Microsoft Excel is a function that converts a value to text, using a specified format. This function is useful for formatting and displaying numbers and other data types as text in Excel.

To use the TEXT function, follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel and select the cell where you want the result to appear.
  2. Type the following formula into the cell: =TEXT(value, format)
  3. Replace “value” with the cell reference or value that you want to convert to text.
  4. Replace “format” with the text format that you want to use. You can find a list of the available formats in the Excel documentation.
  5. Press Enter to see the result.

The TEXT function converts the specified value to text, using the specified format. For example, if you use the TEXT function to convert the number 123.45 to text, you can specify a format such as “0.00” to display the number as “123.45”, or “0%” to display it as “12,345%”.

You can use the TEXT function to format and display numbers and other data types as text in Excel. It is a very useful tool for working with data in Excel.

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