Excel Tutorial – HYPERLINK

Excel’s HYPERLINK function allows you to create a clickable link in a cell that will open a webpage or a file when clicked. This can be useful for quickly accessing online resources or for organizing links to documents and other files.

Here’s how to use the HYPERLINK function:

  1. In a cell, type the following formula: =HYPERLINK(link_location, [friendly_name])
  2. Replace link_location with the URL or file path that you want to link to. For example, if you want to link to the website “https://www.example.com“, you would type "https://www.example.com". If you want to link to a file on your computer, you can use the file’s path, such as "C:\Users\My Documents\file.docx".
  3. Replace [friendly_name] with the text that you want to display in the cell. This is optional, and if you leave it blank, the cell will display the link location as the friendly name.

Here’s an example of the complete formula: =HYPERLINK("https://www.example.com", "Visit Example Website")

This formula would create a clickable link in the cell that says “Visit Example Website” and opens the website “https://www.example.com” when clicked.

You can also use the HYPERLINK function to link to a cell within the same or a different worksheet. To do this, use the cell reference as the link location, like this:

=HYPERLINK(A1, "Go to cell A1")

This formula would create a link that jumps to cell A1 when clicked.

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