The AGGREGATE function in Microsoft Excel is a function that performs a specified calculation on a range of cells, and returns the result. This function is useful for performing complex calculations involving multiple ranges of data.
To use the AGGREGATE function, follow these steps:
- Open Microsoft Excel and select the cell where you want the result to appear.
- Type the following formula into the cell: =AGGREGATE(function_num, options, array1, [array2], …)
- Replace “function_num” with the number of the function that you want to perform. You can find a list of the available functions and their corresponding numbers in the Excel documentation.
- Replace “options” with a number or a combination of numbers that specify any options that you want to use. You can find a list of the available options and their corresponding numbers in the Excel documentation.
- Replace “array1”, “array2”, etc. with the cell references or ranges of cells that you want to perform the calculation on.
- Press Enter to see the result.
The AGGREGATE function is a very powerful tool for performing complex calculations involving multiple ranges of data. It can perform a wide variety of calculations, including sums, averages, counts, maximum and minimum values, standard deviations, and more.
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