Excel Tutorial – IFNA
Read More: Excel Tutorial – IFNAThe IFNA function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for handling errors that occur in formulas. It allows you to specify a value to display if the formula returns the #N/A error value, which indicates that the formula could not be completed due to an invalid argument or a missing value. Here’s how to…
Excel Tutorial – NOT
Read More: Excel Tutorial – NOTThe NOT function in Microsoft Excel is a logical function that allows you to reverse the logical value of a cell or a logical test. This can be helpful for tasks such as data validation or error checking. Here’s how to use the NOT function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you…
Excel Tutorial – OR
Read More: Excel Tutorial – ORThe OR function in Microsoft Excel is a logical function that allows you to test multiple conditions and returns TRUE if any of the conditions are met, and FALSE if none of the conditions are met. This can be helpful for tasks such as data validation or error checking. Here’s how to use the OR…
Excel Tutorial – AND
Read More: Excel Tutorial – ANDThe AND function in Microsoft Excel is a logical function that allows you to test multiple conditions and returns TRUE if all of the conditions are met, and FALSE if any of the conditions are not met. This can be helpful for tasks such as data validation or error checking. Here’s how to use the…
Excel Tutorial – ISLOGICAL
Read More: Excel Tutorial – ISLOGICALThe ISLOGICAL function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for determining if a cell contains a logical value (i.e. TRUE or FALSE). This can be helpful for tasks such as data validation or error checking. Here’s how to use the ISLOGICAL function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you want to…
Excel Tutorial – ISTEXT
Read More: Excel Tutorial – ISTEXTThe ISTEXT function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for determining if a cell contains text. This can be helpful for tasks such as data validation or error checking. Here’s how to use the ISTEXT function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you want to display the result of the ISTEXT…
Excel Tutorial – ISFORMULA
Read More: Excel Tutorial – ISFORMULAThe ISFORMULA function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for determining if a cell contains a formula. This can be helpful for tasks such as data validation or error checking. Here’s how to use the ISFORMULA function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you want to display the result of the…
Excel Tutorial – ISNUMBER
Read More: Excel Tutorial – ISNUMBERThe ISNUMBER function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for determining if a cell contains a numeric value. This can be helpful for tasks such as data validation or error checking. Here’s how to use the ISNUMBER function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you want to display the result of…
Excel Tutorial – ISERROR
Read More: Excel Tutorial – ISERRORThe ISERROR function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for determining if a cell contains an error value. This can be helpful for tasks such as data validation or error checking. Here’s how to use the ISERROR function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you want to display the result of…
Excel Tutorial – ISBLANK
Read More: Excel Tutorial – ISBLANKThe ISBLANK function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for determining if a cell is empty or contains a value. This can be helpful for tasks such as data validation or error checking. Here’s how to use the ISBLANK function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you want to display the…