Excel Tutorial – CONVERT
Read More: Excel Tutorial – CONVERTThe CONVERT function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for converting a value from one unit of measurement to another. This can be helpful for tasks such as data analysis or creating reports. Here’s how to use the CONVERT function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you want to display the…
Excel Tutorial – WEEKNUM
Read More: Excel Tutorial – WEEKNUMThe WEEKNUM function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for determining the week number for a given date. This can be helpful for tasks such as scheduling or analyzing data. Here’s how to use the WEEKNUM function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you want to display the result of the…
Excel Tutorial – WEEKDAY
Read More: Excel Tutorial – WEEKDAYThe WEEKDAY function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for determining the day of the week for a given date. This can be helpful for tasks such as scheduling or analyzing data. Here’s how to use the WEEKDAY function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you want to display the result…
Excel Tutorial – NETWORKDAY
Read More: Excel Tutorial – NETWORKDAYThe NETWORKDAY function in Microsoft Excel is a useful tool for calculating the number of workdays between two dates. This can be helpful for tasks such as scheduling projects or calculating deadlines. Here’s how to use the NETWORKDAY function: Open a blank Excel spreadsheet. In the cell where you want to display the result of…
Excel Tutorial – WORKDAY
Read More: Excel Tutorial – WORKDAYThe WORKDAY function in Microsoft Excel is a built-in function that allows you to calculate the date that is a certain number of working days before or after a given start date. It takes two arguments: the start date and the number of working days to add or subtract from the start date. The function…
Excel Tutorial – EOMONTH
Read More: Excel Tutorial – EOMONTHThe EOMONTH function in Microsoft Excel is a built-in function that allows you to calculate the last day of the month a certain number of months before or after a given start date. It takes two arguments: the start date and the number of months to add or subtract from the start date. The function…
Excel Tutorial – EDATE
Read More: Excel Tutorial – EDATEThe EDATE function in Microsoft Excel is a built-in function that allows you to calculate the date that is a certain number of months before or after a given start date. It takes two arguments: the start date and the number of months to add or subtract from the start date. The function returns the…
Excel Tutorial – YEARFRAC
Read More: Excel Tutorial – YEARFRACThe YEARFRAC function in Microsoft Excel is a built-in function that allows you to calculate the fraction of a year between two dates. It takes two arguments: the start date and the end date. The function returns the fraction of a year represented by the number of days between the two dates, based on a…
Excel Tutorial – DATEDIF
Read More: Excel Tutorial – DATEDIFThe DATEDIF function in Microsoft Excel is a built-in function that allows you to calculate the number of days, months, or years between two dates. It takes three arguments: the start date, the end date, and the unit of time that you want to use to calculate the difference between the two dates. To use…
Excel Tutorial – SECOND
Read More: Excel Tutorial – SECONDThe SECOND function in Microsoft Excel is a built-in function that allows you to extract the second component from a given time value. It takes a single argument, which is the time value that you want to extract the seconds from, and returns the second component as a number between 0 and 59. To use…