Excel Tutorial – SEQUENCE
Read More: Excel Tutorial – SEQUENCEThe SEQUENCE function in Microsoft Excel is a function that generates a list of sequential numbers in a range of cells. This function is useful for creating lists of numbers and for generating data in Excel. To use the SEQUENCE function, follow these steps: Open Microsoft Excel and select the cell where you want the…
Excel Tutorial – SORTBY
Read More: Excel Tutorial – SORTBYThe SORTBY function in Microsoft Excel is a function that sorts a range of cells based on the values in one or more columns, and returns the sorted range as an array. This function is useful for sorting and organizing data in Excel. To use the SORTBY function, follow these steps: Open Microsoft Excel and…
Excel Tutorial – XMATCH
Read More: Excel Tutorial – XMATCHThe XMATCH function in Microsoft Excel is a function that searches for a value in a range of cells and returns the relative position of the value in the range. This function is similar to the VLOOKUP function, but it allows you to specify the match type (exact, approximate, or wildcard) and returns the position…
Excel Tutorial – TEXT
Read More: Excel Tutorial – TEXTThe TEXT function in Microsoft Excel is a function that converts a value to text, using a specified format. This function is useful for formatting and displaying numbers and other data types as text in Excel. To use the TEXT function, follow these steps: Open Microsoft Excel and select the cell where you want the…
Excel Tutorial – EXACT
Read More: Excel Tutorial – EXACTThe EXACT function in Microsoft Excel is a function that compares two text strings and returns the value TRUE if the strings are exactly the same, and FALSE if they are not. This function is useful for comparing text data in Excel and determining if two strings are identical. To use the EXACT function, follow…
Excel Tutorial – TEXTJOIN
Read More: Excel Tutorial – TEXTJOINThe TEXTJOIN function in Microsoft Excel is a function that concatenates (joins together) a range of text strings into a single string, using a specified delimiter (separator) between each string. This function is useful for combining and manipulating text data in Excel. To use the TEXTJOIN function, follow these steps: Open Microsoft Excel and select…
Excel Tutorial – CLEAN
Read More: Excel Tutorial – CLEANThe CLEAN function in Microsoft Excel is a function that removes all non-printing characters from a text string. This function is useful for cleaning up and formatting text data in Excel. To use the CLEAN function, follow these steps: Open Microsoft Excel and select the cell where you want the result to appear. Type the…
Excel Tutorial – CHAR
Read More: Excel Tutorial – CHARThe CHAR function in Microsoft Excel is a function that returns the character associated with a specified ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code. This function is useful for analyzing and manipulating text data in Excel. To use the CHAR function, follow these steps: Open Microsoft Excel and select the cell where you want…
Excel Tutorial – CODE
Read More: Excel Tutorial – CODEThe CODE function in Microsoft Excel is a function that returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string. This function is useful for analyzing and manipulating text data in Excel. To use the CODE function, follow these steps: Open Microsoft Excel and select the cell where you want the result to…
Excel Tutorial – AGGREGATE
Read More: Excel Tutorial – AGGREGATEThe AGGREGATE function in Microsoft Excel is a function that performs a specified calculation on a range of cells, and returns the result. This function is useful for performing complex calculations involving multiple ranges of data. To use the AGGREGATE function, follow these steps: Open Microsoft Excel and select the cell where you want the…